Website and art by Tian Peng / Fortunata Peng / Saltamiya!
Photo Effects from
The great son of Tian Peng and Fortunata Peng.
Twitter/FB/Instagram: @Saltamiya
Tian Peng is a tamawo, a Bisaya Island creature similar to a Moogle
and fairy.
Tamawo are very territorial and express their feelings by throwing objects such as dirt, flowers, or
Of course, she loves her family! Fortunata sends motiviational packages and postcards to Da Qi and
Tian Peng while she's out researching.
A tamawo is made when another tamawo kidnaps a child and feeds a child their food. It is up to
interpretation on the legitimacy of her family life.
Her best friend is Sunny and she teases her by shape-shifting
into Sunny's wife, Blaire.
Twitter/FB/Instagram: @Saltamiya
Fortunata Peng is an aswang, a Bisaya Island creature akin to a shape-shifting vampire.
As an aswang, Fortunata has a long, red,
thread-like tongue she keeps hidden by speaking with few words.
She takes the form of what she wants at will. At the moment she makes sure to look attractive to her
wife, Tian.
Tuna can separate her torso with entrails hanging out from the bottom half of her body and fly
She may also fly by using special body oils, so she's very skilled in making scented
and bath bombs.